"College years are the best time of your life! I'll tell you what, high school is the best time of your life!"
Nothing bothers me more than those two phrases. I heard it after I graduated high school and found college to be ALOT more fun. Give me 4 more years, and I guarantee I'll disagree with the college phrase as well. Let me explain....
Our hometown preacher says, "Hold on, the best is yet to come" every single week. I have yet to hear another phrase that places a greater importance on our future. I always sit and think that the topic is much greater than the high school to college years. Recently, I tweeted that someone could write an entire book on the topic of "hold on the best is yet to come". Why? Because everyone is concerned with their future. I honestly don't think that the majority of people expect good things to happen to them.
Want an example? There have been many times throughout my life that my mom has mentioned she was going to ask for help on a certain task. I used to always think, "Why would they help? They won't want to or they'll be too busy." Not her though, she'll ask. 95% of the time, she will get the help.
It's a great example of expecting good things to happen. She expects that people will help her. Without realizing it, her positive outlook has a positive effect on the people around her.
This is something that everyone can apply. God did not create us to live to 22, then stop enjoying life. He did not create us to turn 50 and stop pursuing dreams. Our preacher is in his sixties and continues to emphasize that the "best is yet to come". Not only is he still following his purpose, but he's got heaven to look forward to!
For some reason, our society has accepted that after certain life milestones, it's over. This couldn't be farther from the truth. Our God has given everyone a purpose that only they can perform. What's the greatest part of that? It never ends! Every single day, we can wake up and expect our life to get better!
I don't know about you, but I will not accept anything less! Step out On The Water and expect great things to happen!
He told them, "Because of your lack of faith. I tell you with certainty, if you have faith like a grain of mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there,' and it will move, and nothing will be impossible for you. - Matthew 17:20