All of our lives, we have been taught that it is politically incorrect to talk about religion. Well, its your lucky day, I'm not a politician. Since I'm not running for any political office (or even if I was), religion is a waste of time. In 2011, your goal should not be to rekindle your religion. In some aspects the old hymn lyric, "I've got that old time religion, and its good enough for me" could not be farther from the truth.
If I had a quarter for every time someone has asked me, "Are you religious?" I could fly to every single Lakers game, sit in the front row, and buy a big foam finger for the entire attendance. The older I've gotten, and the more I hear those questions, the more I cringe to myself. I always think, "O Lord, I hope I'm not religious." By now, you're probably wondering if your reading a blog written by an Atheist.
The whole concept of this article can be summed up in a single word, relationship. As Christians, we sometimes get consumed by the ritualistic and theology parts of Christianity, and forget that God is real! We go to church every Sunday because it is a habit, we sing the songs without emotion, and we read our bible out of guilt. That is religion! Christianity is all about having a relationship with God! It is about feeling God's presence and guidance in your life.
Religion has made Christianity into an intellectual topic. Jason Gray, a Christian musician, has written a song titled "More Like Falling in Love", that addresses this perfectly. The song can be found at the bottom of this article.
Although important, being a Christian is not about following rules. That's why people don't want to even discuss topics about God. They feel that all Christians talk about are a set of rules. Being a Christian is not about committing your life to religion, rules, or even God. Its about finding a God that lives, moves, and breathes in your life. The more and more you find God, the less and less you will desire the garbage that goes on in this world.
Being religious won't save your life. Pursuing a relationship with the creator of the universe is the only thing that will! I encourage you to listen to the song below.
Give it a month trial! If you don't like it, all the Hell out there will always take you back!