It will happen to everyone. You don't know when, where, or how it will hit you. Lets face it though, it will happen! I'm talking about the times in life that you absolutely hate. Basically, I'm talking about the times where life (for lack of a better word) sucks.
I'm going to say it again, storms will come! They can hit us to the core of our faith. They can be so bad that it makes you question this whole "God" thing. I'll be the first to admit that I've been there.
"I haven't missed church in 5 years God, and you let this happen?!"
"I've taught Sunday School kids about You for years. You're gonna give this to me?"
"If my life is going to be this bad, I might as well do what I want."
Don't act like you haven't been there. These are the moments that can shake your entire life to its core. You search for answers for your problems. You question whether God sees your tears. You pray for God to come and intervene. You feel like the "storm" is lasting forever.
What do you do?
One of the most important things to understand is that God is here to help. He never said life would be easy, but that He would be with us. He also never promised that life would be void of trials, but that He would never leave.
What is the single most important thing to remember?
As hard as it can be, trusting that your life is in the right hands is vital. The "storms of life" will make you question everything you've ever believed in.
I think Britt Nicole, a christian artist, said it best:
"So I'll stop searching for the answers,
I`ll stop praying for an escape,
And I'll trust You,God, with where I am,
And believe that You will have Your way.
Just have Your way."
Why should we let God have His way in our lives? The reason is because His way is better than our way. The path that He sets us on is much better than anything we could imagine.
We probably won't understand why we are in the horrible circumstances. God might not ever get us out of them. The good news though, is that the circumstances are greater than we can understand. God's plan will triumph and prevail in all circumstances. We are under the purpose of the One whose understanding no one can fathom.
Next time you enter one of life's "storms", remember to let God have His way.