A few months ago, my family was taking a trip. To be honest, I don't even remember where we were going. During the ride, I was just relaxing, listening to music, and thinking. Somehow, I started thinking about the impact of Google. It's not a website anymore, it's a way of life. It's not only a company, it's a verb. The impact it's had on the way people learn is amazing. We truly are in what the Bible prophesied, the age of information. Need to know how to change your car's oil? Google it. Need to know how to tie a tie? Google it. I don't care what any "old school" educators might say, Google enhances problem solving.
As I sat in the car, I said out loud, "What if we had a question about something before Google existed? What did people do before it?" Within 3 seconds, my mom (who is an elementary principal) gave me an answer much longer than I was interested in hearing. She explained that you could have gone to a library or found an encyclopedia. I accepted the answer, without response. Now it was my dad's turn. Completely serious, he responded to my question with, "Well, I guess you just never knew the answer to the question!" As you can imagine, mom and I about died laughing.
There are a few questions though, that even Google cannot answer. I mean decisions that impact your life in a major way. Google cannot tell you the decision to make in one of life's turning points. This is why discerning God during the seasons of your life is extremely important.
According to dictionary.com, discerning is, "showing good or outstanding judgment and understanding."
In my opinion, discerning is one of the greatest advantages of being a Christian. People throughout the world spend millions trying to find answers to life's questions. Unfortunately, the answers will never be found where they are looking.
“And of the children
of Issachar, which were men that had understanding of the times -1st Chronicles 12:32
The Sons of Issachar are probably my favorite group in the bible. For personal reasons, I have tried to learn everything about them over the last couple years. There is so much to learn from their way of life.
So how do you "discern" or understand God in your life? I think the first step is prayer. For example, instead of asking a relative for advice, shouldn't you be asking God? Why not ask the Truth for the answer? The greatest aspect of discernment, you can ask God for advice about anything. Do you audibly hear God? I hope you don't. If you do, you're probably on PCP. In all seriousness, you'll know what God is leading you towards. Sometimes you'll find the answer to your question in the bible. You might just walk into a person that will unknowingly be the answer. Maybe you'll have one of life's "amazing God moments!" The moments that make you say, WOW!
A few weeks ago, I had one of the "God moments". Sitting on the beach, I was listening to music and worried about an upcoming situation. As I sat there, I finally just prayed, "God, I need your answer and wisdom in my finances. I need to know what decision to make." The next morning, I woke up to a text from my mom. The text was about the exact situation. She was worried about the same thing. My mom never really says much about this particular topic. That's what gave me complete confidence that God was giving me His answer. From that moment on, I knew the decision that had to be made.
A few weeks later, I sat in my room, in complete amazement of God. Had I not made the decision, it would have been costly for my family. I thought, "There are so many things going on in this world, and You helped me with finances." It was one of the moments in my life that I will never forget.
I truly believe that being able to discern the seasons of your life is extremely important. Let's face it, life is hard. Without being able to lean on God for tough decisions, you will never survive.
I encourage you to read into the Sons of Issachar. Here is the link:
Sep 14, 2011
Sep 7, 2011
The Devil is Trying to Kill You
Harsh words? Probably. True words? Yes.
This past week at church, our preacher said something that might have scared some people. "Michael, the devil is trying to kill YOU." It wasn't a rehtorical question, it was specifically spoken at me. I wouldn't say it scared me, but it definitely got me thinking.
It is pretty common knowledge that the devil uses all kinds of tactics to tempt us. Temptations come in a Jack Daniel's bottle, mansions, and tight jeans. It's no secret that he'll use anything to push us farther away from God.
But kill me? Yes! The devil just doesn't want us to sin, he wants to destroy our lives. A simple sin, might not lead us away from God. Completely wiping out everything in our lives? Now, a situation like that, might alter our faith.
The devil doesn't want to cause problems in your family. He wants to destroy it. The devil doesn't want you to use cocain. He wants you to kill an innocent person, in an attempted robbery, to pay for it. The devil doesn't want you to desert your child. He wants you to molest your child.
I hope you understand that the devil is not just some "enemy" that many Christians claim. He is the devil (eat your heart out CNN). He is a murderer, liar, and thief. He doesn't want to discourage you, he wants to ruin the rest of your life.
I sat in church last Sunday thinking, "The devil wants to kill me? That must mean I'm capable of achieving things only fathomable by God." It's the same way for everyone else. Every single person has some talent that NO OTHER PERSON in the world has. If we let the devil destroy our lives we most likely will never reach those Heights!
There's great news though. We know who wins! The devil must feel like I do when I record Survivor. It happens to me all the time. I clearly remember to dvr the week's episode, then proceed to walk back into the house at 8:57, at the same time Jeff Probst reads the final vote. Let me emphasize, that I love Survivor! It kills me when the episode gets spoiled.
The devil knows the Spoiler of his life! He never defeats God. Not in the past, not in the future. Therefore, the devil can't kill us unless we let him. We are on the winning team every single time!
This past week at church, our preacher said something that might have scared some people. "Michael, the devil is trying to kill YOU." It wasn't a rehtorical question, it was specifically spoken at me. I wouldn't say it scared me, but it definitely got me thinking.
It is pretty common knowledge that the devil uses all kinds of tactics to tempt us. Temptations come in a Jack Daniel's bottle, mansions, and tight jeans. It's no secret that he'll use anything to push us farther away from God.
But kill me? Yes! The devil just doesn't want us to sin, he wants to destroy our lives. A simple sin, might not lead us away from God. Completely wiping out everything in our lives? Now, a situation like that, might alter our faith.
The devil doesn't want to cause problems in your family. He wants to destroy it. The devil doesn't want you to use cocain. He wants you to kill an innocent person, in an attempted robbery, to pay for it. The devil doesn't want you to desert your child. He wants you to molest your child.
I hope you understand that the devil is not just some "enemy" that many Christians claim. He is the devil (eat your heart out CNN). He is a murderer, liar, and thief. He doesn't want to discourage you, he wants to ruin the rest of your life.
I sat in church last Sunday thinking, "The devil wants to kill me? That must mean I'm capable of achieving things only fathomable by God." It's the same way for everyone else. Every single person has some talent that NO OTHER PERSON in the world has. If we let the devil destroy our lives we most likely will never reach those Heights!
There's great news though. We know who wins! The devil must feel like I do when I record Survivor. It happens to me all the time. I clearly remember to dvr the week's episode, then proceed to walk back into the house at 8:57, at the same time Jeff Probst reads the final vote. Let me emphasize, that I love Survivor! It kills me when the episode gets spoiled.
The devil knows the Spoiler of his life! He never defeats God. Not in the past, not in the future. Therefore, the devil can't kill us unless we let him. We are on the winning team every single time!
Aug 15, 2011
Fear Enterprises
Hey Everyone,
It's a little change of pace, but I'd really appreciate it if you'd help spread the word on Fear Enterprises.
Please like our page!
It's a little change of pace, but I'd really appreciate it if you'd help spread the word on Fear Enterprises.
Please like our page!
Need to sell your car? Are you planning on having a yard sale? Make sure you set up at one of the best locations in Ripley County. The lot spaces are located by the stoplight where Highway 421 and 50 meet in Versailles, IN. These lot spaces are specifically located right beside Butternut Bread in Versailles.
The lots can be used for Yard Sales, Cars, Trucks, RV’s, Tractors, Golf Carts, Boats and Much More. All possibilities for these lot spaces have been proven successful. Yard sales make more money at this location because of the high exposure. An expensive RV was sold in 3 days! Tractors can be sold in a single day.
The lot spaces can be used at any time with varying rates. Feel free to call or email anytime!
Jul 22, 2011
Hold On, The Best is Yet to Come!
"College years are the best time of your life! I'll tell you what, high school is the best time of your life!"
Nothing bothers me more than those two phrases. I heard it after I graduated high school and found college to be ALOT more fun. Give me 4 more years, and I guarantee I'll disagree with the college phrase as well. Let me explain....
Our hometown preacher says, "Hold on, the best is yet to come" every single week. I have yet to hear another phrase that places a greater importance on our future. I always sit and think that the topic is much greater than the high school to college years. Recently, I tweeted that someone could write an entire book on the topic of "hold on the best is yet to come". Why? Because everyone is concerned with their future. I honestly don't think that the majority of people expect good things to happen to them.
Want an example? There have been many times throughout my life that my mom has mentioned she was going to ask for help on a certain task. I used to always think, "Why would they help? They won't want to or they'll be too busy." Not her though, she'll ask. 95% of the time, she will get the help.
It's a great example of expecting good things to happen. She expects that people will help her. Without realizing it, her positive outlook has a positive effect on the people around her.
This is something that everyone can apply. God did not create us to live to 22, then stop enjoying life. He did not create us to turn 50 and stop pursuing dreams. Our preacher is in his sixties and continues to emphasize that the "best is yet to come". Not only is he still following his purpose, but he's got heaven to look forward to!
For some reason, our society has accepted that after certain life milestones, it's over. This couldn't be farther from the truth. Our God has given everyone a purpose that only they can perform. What's the greatest part of that? It never ends! Every single day, we can wake up and expect our life to get better!
I don't know about you, but I will not accept anything less! Step out On The Water and expect great things to happen!
He told them, "Because of your lack of faith. I tell you with certainty, if you have faith like a grain of mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there,' and it will move, and nothing will be impossible for you. - Matthew 17:20
Nothing bothers me more than those two phrases. I heard it after I graduated high school and found college to be ALOT more fun. Give me 4 more years, and I guarantee I'll disagree with the college phrase as well. Let me explain....
Our hometown preacher says, "Hold on, the best is yet to come" every single week. I have yet to hear another phrase that places a greater importance on our future. I always sit and think that the topic is much greater than the high school to college years. Recently, I tweeted that someone could write an entire book on the topic of "hold on the best is yet to come". Why? Because everyone is concerned with their future. I honestly don't think that the majority of people expect good things to happen to them.
Want an example? There have been many times throughout my life that my mom has mentioned she was going to ask for help on a certain task. I used to always think, "Why would they help? They won't want to or they'll be too busy." Not her though, she'll ask. 95% of the time, she will get the help.
It's a great example of expecting good things to happen. She expects that people will help her. Without realizing it, her positive outlook has a positive effect on the people around her.
This is something that everyone can apply. God did not create us to live to 22, then stop enjoying life. He did not create us to turn 50 and stop pursuing dreams. Our preacher is in his sixties and continues to emphasize that the "best is yet to come". Not only is he still following his purpose, but he's got heaven to look forward to!
For some reason, our society has accepted that after certain life milestones, it's over. This couldn't be farther from the truth. Our God has given everyone a purpose that only they can perform. What's the greatest part of that? It never ends! Every single day, we can wake up and expect our life to get better!
I don't know about you, but I will not accept anything less! Step out On The Water and expect great things to happen!
He told them, "Because of your lack of faith. I tell you with certainty, if you have faith like a grain of mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there,' and it will move, and nothing will be impossible for you. - Matthew 17:20
May 13, 2011
Why God Says No
Are you reading this post hoping to find the answer to, “Why God Says No”? I’m going to go ahead and tell you, I don’t know! Trust me, I wish I did know! As a Christian, I believe this is the toughest question to comprehend. Even tougher than having faith God exists? Yeah, I really think so.
What am I getting at? I’m talking about the roughest parts of your life. A time when praying is painful. A time when praying is your only solution. A time when praying is your last resort.
“God, I need this job! My family won’t be able to eat!”
“God, I don’t even smoke, and You gave me Cancer?”
“I’ve done this for You, and You took my wife?”
These moments can make you doubt everything about this “God” of yours. Is He even hearing my prayers? If so, why did this not happen the way I wanted it to? This is not the way my dream was supposed to end!
I’ve wondered the answers to those questions MANY times. Thankfully, a few months ago, I heard a song that has forever changed the way I view life’s trials. A tune that has been referred to as the most powerful Christian song in years! So influential, that it made iTunes most popular singles, an absolutely remarkable achievement for a Christian artist! In an area where the common names are Lil Wayne, Rihanna, and Katy Perry, a Christian song stood.
The chorus of Laura Story’s song, Blessings:
Cause what if Your blessings come through raindrops
What if Your healing comes through tears
What if a thousand sleepless nights
Are what it takes to know You’re near
And what if trials of this life are Your mercies in disguise
What if Your healing comes through tears
What if a thousand sleepless nights
Are what it takes to know You’re near
And what if trials of this life are Your mercies in disguise
Wow, why isn’t God answering my prayers? I think every situation is completely different, but I do think there is one common notion. God’s way is better than our way! He knows the best path for us.
Did it take pain and trials to know God was near? Personally, this is how I’ve always been affected.
Laura Story says it perfectly:
What if my greatest disappointments
Or the aching of this life
Is the revealing of a greater thirst this world can’t satisfy
Or the aching of this life
Is the revealing of a greater thirst this world can’t satisfy
This is how God gets to me. He knows the only way to get my attention is to completely tear everything down. He knows that everything has to fade away, for me to truly be dependent on Him. Is He blessing me by not giving me what I want?
We all pray for God to take away the pain. Why does he say no? Nobody knows, but He does. Maybe these moments make you stronger. Maybe these rough patches in life are molding you for your future. Or maybe God knows what is truly better for you!
I’ve posted the song and her opinion on the song (an absolute must see!)
Apr 24, 2011
Carrie Underwood singing How Great Thou Art....MUST SEE!!
Wow, what an amazing job she did with this song! You have to watch this video!
Carrie Underwood,
How Great Thou Art
Apr 14, 2011
When Life Sucks!
It will happen to everyone. You don't know when, where, or how it will hit you. Lets face it though, it will happen! I'm talking about the times in life that you absolutely hate. Basically, I'm talking about the times where life (for lack of a better word) sucks.
I'm going to say it again, storms will come! They can hit us to the core of our faith. They can be so bad that it makes you question this whole "God" thing. I'll be the first to admit that I've been there.
"I haven't missed church in 5 years God, and you let this happen?!"
"I've taught Sunday School kids about You for years. You're gonna give this to me?"
"If my life is going to be this bad, I might as well do what I want."
Don't act like you haven't been there. These are the moments that can shake your entire life to its core. You search for answers for your problems. You question whether God sees your tears. You pray for God to come and intervene. You feel like the "storm" is lasting forever.
What do you do?
One of the most important things to understand is that God is here to help. He never said life would be easy, but that He would be with us. He also never promised that life would be void of trials, but that He would never leave.
What is the single most important thing to remember?
As hard as it can be, trusting that your life is in the right hands is vital. The "storms of life" will make you question everything you've ever believed in.
I think Britt Nicole, a christian artist, said it best:
"So I'll stop searching for the answers,
I`ll stop praying for an escape,
And I'll trust You,God, with where I am,
And believe that You will have Your way.
Just have Your way."
Why should we let God have His way in our lives? The reason is because His way is better than our way. The path that He sets us on is much better than anything we could imagine.
We probably won't understand why we are in the horrible circumstances. God might not ever get us out of them. The good news though, is that the circumstances are greater than we can understand. God's plan will triumph and prevail in all circumstances. We are under the purpose of the One whose understanding no one can fathom.
Next time you enter one of life's "storms", remember to let God have His way.
I'm going to say it again, storms will come! They can hit us to the core of our faith. They can be so bad that it makes you question this whole "God" thing. I'll be the first to admit that I've been there.
"I haven't missed church in 5 years God, and you let this happen?!"
"I've taught Sunday School kids about You for years. You're gonna give this to me?"
"If my life is going to be this bad, I might as well do what I want."
Don't act like you haven't been there. These are the moments that can shake your entire life to its core. You search for answers for your problems. You question whether God sees your tears. You pray for God to come and intervene. You feel like the "storm" is lasting forever.
What do you do?
One of the most important things to understand is that God is here to help. He never said life would be easy, but that He would be with us. He also never promised that life would be void of trials, but that He would never leave.
What is the single most important thing to remember?
As hard as it can be, trusting that your life is in the right hands is vital. The "storms of life" will make you question everything you've ever believed in.
I think Britt Nicole, a christian artist, said it best:
"So I'll stop searching for the answers,
I`ll stop praying for an escape,
And I'll trust You,God, with where I am,
And believe that You will have Your way.
Just have Your way."
Why should we let God have His way in our lives? The reason is because His way is better than our way. The path that He sets us on is much better than anything we could imagine.
We probably won't understand why we are in the horrible circumstances. God might not ever get us out of them. The good news though, is that the circumstances are greater than we can understand. God's plan will triumph and prevail in all circumstances. We are under the purpose of the One whose understanding no one can fathom.
Next time you enter one of life's "storms", remember to let God have His way.
Mar 31, 2011
Facebook is growing faster than Churches!
Throughout the evolution of Facebook, people have flocked to the website in unbelievable amounts. These amounts could consist of over 200,000 members in a single month! How is that possible? Why aren't people flocking to church in the masses every week?
There are many reasons people don't want to attend church. Some say it's boring. Some say they are too busy and need their rest. Although, I think the biggest reason is because they don't feel comfortable with Christians.
What do I mean? People don't want to attend a church service because they feel that the members judge or look down upon them. I'll be honest with you though, I think judging naturally happens. It is a natural part of the human mind to judge others on the way we see them.
I think this aspect of our minds can lead to an increase in our own pride. As Christians, we try to be perfect and act as if everything is always alright. Our personal pride leads us towards a desire to be of high social standing inside the church. To get this so called, "ranking" we act as if everything is always perfect in our lives. Why would someone with problems a calculator couldn't count, want to come to our church and stand out?
Since when did church become the place where people go when they have their lives all together? Since when do all church members live the so called, "perfect" life?
Church should be the place where people go when they don't have it all together! It should be the one place where you don't have to act like someone you're not. Why haven't we created this atmosphere? This world has only seen one person who had it all together! Jesus!
Churches need to have an atmosphere where people feel like their lives can be changed. If you have a problem, there is no greater place to not only find help from God, but from other people. Many of those people, whether they want to admit it or not , have gone through the same trials. All this takes is the willingness to take our pride out of the equation and admit that we are hopeless without God! People have to feel comfortable to attend church. Church has to be the universal place for people to go when their life gets so bad that it needs fixed.
"I gotta get my life in order, then I'll start coming to church." No, come to church this Sunday and let God get your life in order!
There are many reasons people don't want to attend church. Some say it's boring. Some say they are too busy and need their rest. Although, I think the biggest reason is because they don't feel comfortable with Christians.
What do I mean? People don't want to attend a church service because they feel that the members judge or look down upon them. I'll be honest with you though, I think judging naturally happens. It is a natural part of the human mind to judge others on the way we see them.
I think this aspect of our minds can lead to an increase in our own pride. As Christians, we try to be perfect and act as if everything is always alright. Our personal pride leads us towards a desire to be of high social standing inside the church. To get this so called, "ranking" we act as if everything is always perfect in our lives. Why would someone with problems a calculator couldn't count, want to come to our church and stand out?
Since when did church become the place where people go when they have their lives all together? Since when do all church members live the so called, "perfect" life?
Church should be the place where people go when they don't have it all together! It should be the one place where you don't have to act like someone you're not. Why haven't we created this atmosphere? This world has only seen one person who had it all together! Jesus!
Churches need to have an atmosphere where people feel like their lives can be changed. If you have a problem, there is no greater place to not only find help from God, but from other people. Many of those people, whether they want to admit it or not , have gone through the same trials. All this takes is the willingness to take our pride out of the equation and admit that we are hopeless without God! People have to feel comfortable to attend church. Church has to be the universal place for people to go when their life gets so bad that it needs fixed.
"I gotta get my life in order, then I'll start coming to church." No, come to church this Sunday and let God get your life in order!
Mar 16, 2011
Mar 14, 2011
Why You Aren't Truly Happy
How could it have taken 22 years to find what I was truly looking for? Why did it take so long? Why had I spent my life chasing things that never satisfied me? What was wrong?
I have always been, and always will be, the type of person that will do whatever it takes to accomplish what I want. The only problem has been that the accomplishments or success would never satisfy me. I couldn't find anything that could fill what was empty. The only thing that ever crossed my mind was success. Not only in team sports, but in games such as Age of Empires, ping-pong, and NBA Live. It's what I now call an addiction to success. I couldn't and still can't stand doing something worse than someone else. All of those traits are great and I'm still the same way. But why was it when I reached a goal, I still felt empty?
For a long time in my life, I thought it was because I had no direction. Now though, I have direction and know what I want to pursue in my future! How am I still empty at times?
It's because I've realized that God is the only thing that can fill the void in me. I can go 4-4 in a baseball game, but it does not satisfy me like the worship songs on Sunday morning do. I'll be the first person to say that it sounds crazy, but it's true. The peace, relaxation, and comfort that I feel during a song on Sunday morning is the only thing on this entire world that satisfies me.
It must be because those moments are when I feel like I'm in complete connection with God. I know I cannot be the only person who has this need. We all go after things in this world to satisfy us. We go after alcohol, fame, and money as if it will fill us. Yes, those things will undoubtedly be a lot of fun, but will they make you happy for the rest of your life?
Everyone has this void in some way. Maybe it feels different to you than it did me, but you have it. People will spend countless hours and amounts of money in hopes of getting what they want to fill their emptiness. Unfortunately, it takes most of us decades to figure out that we are searching for something that is easy to find. The presence of God!
I have always been, and always will be, the type of person that will do whatever it takes to accomplish what I want. The only problem has been that the accomplishments or success would never satisfy me. I couldn't find anything that could fill what was empty. The only thing that ever crossed my mind was success. Not only in team sports, but in games such as Age of Empires, ping-pong, and NBA Live. It's what I now call an addiction to success. I couldn't and still can't stand doing something worse than someone else. All of those traits are great and I'm still the same way. But why was it when I reached a goal, I still felt empty?
For a long time in my life, I thought it was because I had no direction. Now though, I have direction and know what I want to pursue in my future! How am I still empty at times?
It's because I've realized that God is the only thing that can fill the void in me. I can go 4-4 in a baseball game, but it does not satisfy me like the worship songs on Sunday morning do. I'll be the first person to say that it sounds crazy, but it's true. The peace, relaxation, and comfort that I feel during a song on Sunday morning is the only thing on this entire world that satisfies me.
It must be because those moments are when I feel like I'm in complete connection with God. I know I cannot be the only person who has this need. We all go after things in this world to satisfy us. We go after alcohol, fame, and money as if it will fill us. Yes, those things will undoubtedly be a lot of fun, but will they make you happy for the rest of your life?
Everyone has this void in some way. Maybe it feels different to you than it did me, but you have it. People will spend countless hours and amounts of money in hopes of getting what they want to fill their emptiness. Unfortunately, it takes most of us decades to figure out that we are searching for something that is easy to find. The presence of God!
Christian Blog,
Filling a void,
Forever Reign,
On the Water,
Presence of God
Feb 16, 2011
You Can Walk on the Water!
I'll be completely honest with you, I started blogging to make money! I got bored one day and started reading articles online. I read one article that said it was possible to make money from blogging. Obviously that sounded like a great reason to start one! Also, being a young and aspiring business owner, I felt it would be great practice for online marketing. After learning both of these things, I didn't need to convince myself anymore. Blogging was for me!
All of this led me to starting a blog that night. Many of you probably don't know that it isn't this one! I started another blog on a completely different website. I actually wrote two different articles about completely random topics. The whole purpose behind those writings were to try and see how many views I could get on my stories. Throughout that entire process I felt like I was wasting my time and I didn't even enjoy the articles I was writing!
I now realize the REAL reason I was not happy with it. Throughout those few weeks I kept feeling like God wanted me to write my thoughts about Him. I had been writing what I thought people would be interested in reading, not what God wanted me to write. I was ignoring a pretty direct hint from our Creator. It was like God was sending me a daily text message and I refused to respond. You know what is really sad about it though? I wanted to write about Him in the first place.
How am I supposed to write about God? I was having a hard enough time getting readers on my articles that I thought were interesting! Now I'm supposed to believe people will want to read about God? People don't even want to talk to others who talk about God! There is no way people will read it. Even worse, they might stop talking to me because of it!
I then heard a song I had heard many times before. The lyrics had always hit me hard, but this time I knew why I had listened to it. Walk on the Water by Britt Nicole came on the radio and I finally realized it was time to step out. What do I mean by step out?
Matthew 14: 25-31
"Shortly before dawn Jesus went out to them, walking on the lake. When the disciples saw him walking on the lake, they were terrified. “It’s a ghost,” they said, and cried out in fear. But Jesus immediately said to them: “Take courage! It is I. Don’t be afraid." "Lord, if it’s you,” Peter replied, “tell me to come to you on the water. “Come,” he said. Then Peter got down out of the boat, walked on the water and came toward Jesus. But when he saw the wind, he was afraid and, beginning to sink, cried out, “Lord, save me!” Immediately Jesus reached out his hand and caught him. “You of little faith,” he said, “why did you doubt?”
I needed to step out of my comfort zone. Why was I doubting and ignoring the One true God? All I needed to do was step out and "walk on the water". I then decided to completely change websites and start writing about topics I believed God wanted. It was time to stop running away!
Wow! God did way more than I ever had imagined! The new articles are getting FIVE times as many views as the old website. People have now read them in TEN different countries!
I know there are other people who need to take that "first step". Your "step" doesn't have to be a blog. Maybe you're feeling God wants you to sing, but you're scared. Maybe you're called to start a bible study for a few of your close friends, but you doubt anyone will show up. There can be many different things that God wants you to do.
I encourage you to "step out" It is so much easier to run away when you're afraid. Although, the true rewards are when you take that FIRST step! Ignore the waves of doubt and have faith. Don't miss out on what you are really supposed to be doing. You can walk on the water too!
All of this led me to starting a blog that night. Many of you probably don't know that it isn't this one! I started another blog on a completely different website. I actually wrote two different articles about completely random topics. The whole purpose behind those writings were to try and see how many views I could get on my stories. Throughout that entire process I felt like I was wasting my time and I didn't even enjoy the articles I was writing!
I now realize the REAL reason I was not happy with it. Throughout those few weeks I kept feeling like God wanted me to write my thoughts about Him. I had been writing what I thought people would be interested in reading, not what God wanted me to write. I was ignoring a pretty direct hint from our Creator. It was like God was sending me a daily text message and I refused to respond. You know what is really sad about it though? I wanted to write about Him in the first place.
How am I supposed to write about God? I was having a hard enough time getting readers on my articles that I thought were interesting! Now I'm supposed to believe people will want to read about God? People don't even want to talk to others who talk about God! There is no way people will read it. Even worse, they might stop talking to me because of it!
I then heard a song I had heard many times before. The lyrics had always hit me hard, but this time I knew why I had listened to it. Walk on the Water by Britt Nicole came on the radio and I finally realized it was time to step out. What do I mean by step out?
Matthew 14: 25-31
"Shortly before dawn Jesus went out to them, walking on the lake. When the disciples saw him walking on the lake, they were terrified. “It’s a ghost,” they said, and cried out in fear. But Jesus immediately said to them: “Take courage! It is I. Don’t be afraid." "Lord, if it’s you,” Peter replied, “tell me to come to you on the water. “Come,” he said. Then Peter got down out of the boat, walked on the water and came toward Jesus. But when he saw the wind, he was afraid and, beginning to sink, cried out, “Lord, save me!” Immediately Jesus reached out his hand and caught him. “You of little faith,” he said, “why did you doubt?”
I needed to step out of my comfort zone. Why was I doubting and ignoring the One true God? All I needed to do was step out and "walk on the water". I then decided to completely change websites and start writing about topics I believed God wanted. It was time to stop running away!
Wow! God did way more than I ever had imagined! The new articles are getting FIVE times as many views as the old website. People have now read them in TEN different countries!
I know there are other people who need to take that "first step". Your "step" doesn't have to be a blog. Maybe you're feeling God wants you to sing, but you're scared. Maybe you're called to start a bible study for a few of your close friends, but you doubt anyone will show up. There can be many different things that God wants you to do.
I encourage you to "step out" It is so much easier to run away when you're afraid. Although, the true rewards are when you take that FIRST step! Ignore the waves of doubt and have faith. Don't miss out on what you are really supposed to be doing. You can walk on the water too!
Feb 8, 2011
You're Not Worthy of God
Have you ever been up late at night and felt guilty? Maybe you thought to yourself, "I am not worthy of God'. Believe it or not, that would have actually been a true statement. You are not worthy of God! I am not worthy of God! There is absolutely no one on this earth that is worthy of God!
It doesn't matter what you've done, you are not worthy of God. If you sat up all night and read the bible before church on Sunday, you're still not worthy! If you picked up 8 people before Sunday School, you're still not worthy! I'm not even close to being worthy and I write a Christian blog!
The same can be said for the complete opposite side of the spectrum. Maybe you've done something that you know you shouldn't of been doing and the guilt is absolutely killing you. The guilt is so bad that you start to believe that you cannot even pray. God doesn't want to hear what you have to say after what you just did. Unfortunately, I fall into this category most of the time.
Maybe you have spent the night partying and drinking. Lets say you get home about 3 a.m. and try to get some sleep. You had planned on getting up and going to church, but can't due to guilt. "God doesn't want to see me at church after a night like that. I just spent the last few hours, "getting hammered" there's no way God will even let me in His church." Trust me, that couldn't be farther from the Truth, God wants you there! Get your butt out of bed in the morning and get in church! The best place to get rid of the guilt your feeling for the bad decisions, church!
As Christians, we sometimes forget the whole idea of mercy. There is nothing we can do to win a spot in Heaven or be worthy of God. Reason being, because we are not worthy! We have been given the gift of mercy. Mercy means that we do not deserve what we are given. God is showing us mercy, through Jesus's death, by making a relationship with God even possible.
Please erase your guilt, because God has! If you ask, He forgets the mistakes you've made. Therefore, don't feel that you can't pray or go to church. If God didn't want to hear from us because of our actions, no one would be in contact with Him. The good thing is that He loves us so much, that He shows us mercy when we don't deserve it. Wow! What an awesome God!
It doesn't matter what you've done, you are not worthy of God. If you sat up all night and read the bible before church on Sunday, you're still not worthy! If you picked up 8 people before Sunday School, you're still not worthy! I'm not even close to being worthy and I write a Christian blog!
The same can be said for the complete opposite side of the spectrum. Maybe you've done something that you know you shouldn't of been doing and the guilt is absolutely killing you. The guilt is so bad that you start to believe that you cannot even pray. God doesn't want to hear what you have to say after what you just did. Unfortunately, I fall into this category most of the time.
Maybe you have spent the night partying and drinking. Lets say you get home about 3 a.m. and try to get some sleep. You had planned on getting up and going to church, but can't due to guilt. "God doesn't want to see me at church after a night like that. I just spent the last few hours, "getting hammered" there's no way God will even let me in His church." Trust me, that couldn't be farther from the Truth, God wants you there! Get your butt out of bed in the morning and get in church! The best place to get rid of the guilt your feeling for the bad decisions, church!
As Christians, we sometimes forget the whole idea of mercy. There is nothing we can do to win a spot in Heaven or be worthy of God. Reason being, because we are not worthy! We have been given the gift of mercy. Mercy means that we do not deserve what we are given. God is showing us mercy, through Jesus's death, by making a relationship with God even possible.
Please erase your guilt, because God has! If you ask, He forgets the mistakes you've made. Therefore, don't feel that you can't pray or go to church. If God didn't want to hear from us because of our actions, no one would be in contact with Him. The good thing is that He loves us so much, that He shows us mercy when we don't deserve it. Wow! What an awesome God!
Christian Blog,
God's Love,
God's Mercy,
Jan 24, 2011
So Your Trying to Tell Me There Was a Big Bang and Monkeys Evolved into Carrie Underwood?
My roommate this past summer, was born in the Dominican Republic. Obviously, growing up Dominican means you will speak Spanish. Although, after spending the majority of his lifetime in New York City, he was perfectly bilingual. Despite our cultural differences, we got along extremely well. Our language differences always provided some interesting conversations though.
After every game this summer, Albert (my roommate) would call his parents who were back in NYC. What made these conversations notable were the fact that Albert talked to them in Spanish about 95% of the time. As you can imagine, I sat there listening to him ramble on and on without having a clue what he was saying. Obviously, those three years of high school Spanish didn't pay off in the least bit. For all I know, he was saying, "My roommate is an absolute idiot. He smells and it drives me crazy."
Well, I feel the same way when someone tries to defend the Big Bang Theory. Supposedly (sarcastic tone), matter and energy was contained in one single point until it caused a great explosion which led to the name Big Bang. Magically, galaxies were created and continue to expand farther and farther from each other. This process led to the complexity of our earth and animals. As you've probably heard, the monkey, evolved into humans somehow.
I would really like to get more in depth with this subject (Lord, forgive me for that lie), but I'd rather not lose readers who will likely suffer serious consequences from extreme brain confusion.
Have you ever truly thought about our Earth and universe? I have read, that the Earth is the perfect distance from the Sun. If the earth was any closer to the Sun, humans wouldn't survive due to the heat. If it was any farther away, we wouldn't survive due to low temperatures. Another amazing creation, the ocean, is so deep that scientists do not know what truly exists at certain depths. After the Asian tsunami, there were fish that were found that are extremely abnormal. Some of these fish had never been discovered.
If you truly believe that the Big Bang theory created the universe and humans evolved from monkeys I want you to try this. Please, go watch a Carrie Underwood music video! Good luck trying to prove that a monkey evolved into looking like Carrie Underwood!
What bothers me most is that the media seems to make people who believe in a Creator seem stupid. They say, those people aren't smart enough to understand it, so they believe in a fake God. That should be considered a crime. The earth is so amazing and perfect that it could have only been created by someone. What makes it even more amazing, the same God that created the fish hundreds of feet below the surface, created us. Why does God love us so much? He created us!
After every game this summer, Albert (my roommate) would call his parents who were back in NYC. What made these conversations notable were the fact that Albert talked to them in Spanish about 95% of the time. As you can imagine, I sat there listening to him ramble on and on without having a clue what he was saying. Obviously, those three years of high school Spanish didn't pay off in the least bit. For all I know, he was saying, "My roommate is an absolute idiot. He smells and it drives me crazy."
Well, I feel the same way when someone tries to defend the Big Bang Theory. Supposedly (sarcastic tone), matter and energy was contained in one single point until it caused a great explosion which led to the name Big Bang. Magically, galaxies were created and continue to expand farther and farther from each other. This process led to the complexity of our earth and animals. As you've probably heard, the monkey, evolved into humans somehow.
I would really like to get more in depth with this subject (Lord, forgive me for that lie), but I'd rather not lose readers who will likely suffer serious consequences from extreme brain confusion.
Have you ever truly thought about our Earth and universe? I have read, that the Earth is the perfect distance from the Sun. If the earth was any closer to the Sun, humans wouldn't survive due to the heat. If it was any farther away, we wouldn't survive due to low temperatures. Another amazing creation, the ocean, is so deep that scientists do not know what truly exists at certain depths. After the Asian tsunami, there were fish that were found that are extremely abnormal. Some of these fish had never been discovered.
If you truly believe that the Big Bang theory created the universe and humans evolved from monkeys I want you to try this. Please, go watch a Carrie Underwood music video! Good luck trying to prove that a monkey evolved into looking like Carrie Underwood!
What bothers me most is that the media seems to make people who believe in a Creator seem stupid. They say, those people aren't smart enough to understand it, so they believe in a fake God. That should be considered a crime. The earth is so amazing and perfect that it could have only been created by someone. What makes it even more amazing, the same God that created the fish hundreds of feet below the surface, created us. Why does God love us so much? He created us!
Jan 17, 2011
Jesus Loved Prostitutes!
Jesus, the Son of God, loved prostitutes? Prostitutes!? The people that sold the body that God gave them? The same prostitutes that "religious" people would have nothing to do with , and still won't! (Luke 7:36-50)
Can you imagine living in bible times and watching Jesus help a blind man see? Can you then imagine seeing him walk over and spend time with prostitutes, thieves, and drunks? The average person in those towns wouldn't spend time or even associate with the group of so called sinners. Why would the only person who has ever lived without sin choose to spend time with people who society had downgraded? Jesus could have easily given up on everyone, including myself!
"For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him." John 3:17
Non-Christians don't feel comfortable in churches because they feel they are looked down upon. Whether consciously or subconsciously, it probably happens. As Christians, we have forgotten the purpose that rests upon us. "But go and learn what this means: 'I desire mercy, not sacrifice.' For I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners." (Matthew 9:13)
If there has ever been anyone who was qualified enough to look down upon people, its Jesus. As Christians today, we automatically judge someone if they walk into church with their hair a mess. After seeing their hair we've already made up our minds that they have been drug dealers their entire life. If they walk into church wearing a plain white tee and cut up jeans, they've probably committed murder. If they walk into church with a mullet, then we're positive they are on America's Most Wanted list. Even if all this was true, Jesus would have made it a point to approach them. He would have wanted to show them the hope that he provided! Why can't we show them?
If we have a facebook friend who consistently uses bad language on their statuses, we delete them as our friend. Why don't we keep them in hope they will someday notice a bible verse that we have posted? We refuse to love a family member who can't beat their battle with drugs? We tell children to stay away from the 16 year old girl that's pregnant? She'll be starting a family soon, if anyone needs hope it's her!
We cannot expect for people to understand God's love if we won't associate with them because of their actions. We've all done stuff we are not proud of, yet we still judge others. Jesus continued to respect others regardless of the things they did. Why not do what He did? He's obviously a pretty smart guy!
Can you imagine living in bible times and watching Jesus help a blind man see? Can you then imagine seeing him walk over and spend time with prostitutes, thieves, and drunks? The average person in those towns wouldn't spend time or even associate with the group of so called sinners. Why would the only person who has ever lived without sin choose to spend time with people who society had downgraded? Jesus could have easily given up on everyone, including myself!
"For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him." John 3:17
Non-Christians don't feel comfortable in churches because they feel they are looked down upon. Whether consciously or subconsciously, it probably happens. As Christians, we have forgotten the purpose that rests upon us. "But go and learn what this means: 'I desire mercy, not sacrifice.' For I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners." (Matthew 9:13)
If there has ever been anyone who was qualified enough to look down upon people, its Jesus. As Christians today, we automatically judge someone if they walk into church with their hair a mess. After seeing their hair we've already made up our minds that they have been drug dealers their entire life. If they walk into church wearing a plain white tee and cut up jeans, they've probably committed murder. If they walk into church with a mullet, then we're positive they are on America's Most Wanted list. Even if all this was true, Jesus would have made it a point to approach them. He would have wanted to show them the hope that he provided! Why can't we show them?
If we have a facebook friend who consistently uses bad language on their statuses, we delete them as our friend. Why don't we keep them in hope they will someday notice a bible verse that we have posted? We refuse to love a family member who can't beat their battle with drugs? We tell children to stay away from the 16 year old girl that's pregnant? She'll be starting a family soon, if anyone needs hope it's her!
We cannot expect for people to understand God's love if we won't associate with them because of their actions. We've all done stuff we are not proud of, yet we still judge others. Jesus continued to respect others regardless of the things they did. Why not do what He did? He's obviously a pretty smart guy!
God's hope,
God's Love,
Jesus's Hope,
Loving Prostitutes,
Matthew 9:13
Jan 10, 2011
Religion is a Waste of Time!
All of our lives, we have been taught that it is politically incorrect to talk about religion. Well, its your lucky day, I'm not a politician. Since I'm not running for any political office (or even if I was), religion is a waste of time. In 2011, your goal should not be to rekindle your religion. In some aspects the old hymn lyric, "I've got that old time religion, and its good enough for me" could not be farther from the truth.
If I had a quarter for every time someone has asked me, "Are you religious?" I could fly to every single Lakers game, sit in the front row, and buy a big foam finger for the entire attendance. The older I've gotten, and the more I hear those questions, the more I cringe to myself. I always think, "O Lord, I hope I'm not religious." By now, you're probably wondering if your reading a blog written by an Atheist.
The whole concept of this article can be summed up in a single word, relationship. As Christians, we sometimes get consumed by the ritualistic and theology parts of Christianity, and forget that God is real! We go to church every Sunday because it is a habit, we sing the songs without emotion, and we read our bible out of guilt. That is religion! Christianity is all about having a relationship with God! It is about feeling God's presence and guidance in your life.
Religion has made Christianity into an intellectual topic. Jason Gray, a Christian musician, has written a song titled "More Like Falling in Love", that addresses this perfectly. The song can be found at the bottom of this article.
Although important, being a Christian is not about following rules. That's why people don't want to even discuss topics about God. They feel that all Christians talk about are a set of rules. Being a Christian is not about committing your life to religion, rules, or even God. Its about finding a God that lives, moves, and breathes in your life. The more and more you find God, the less and less you will desire the garbage that goes on in this world.
Being religious won't save your life. Pursuing a relationship with the creator of the universe is the only thing that will! I encourage you to listen to the song below.
Give it a month trial! If you don't like it, all the Hell out there will always take you back!
If I had a quarter for every time someone has asked me, "Are you religious?" I could fly to every single Lakers game, sit in the front row, and buy a big foam finger for the entire attendance. The older I've gotten, and the more I hear those questions, the more I cringe to myself. I always think, "O Lord, I hope I'm not religious." By now, you're probably wondering if your reading a blog written by an Atheist.
The whole concept of this article can be summed up in a single word, relationship. As Christians, we sometimes get consumed by the ritualistic and theology parts of Christianity, and forget that God is real! We go to church every Sunday because it is a habit, we sing the songs without emotion, and we read our bible out of guilt. That is religion! Christianity is all about having a relationship with God! It is about feeling God's presence and guidance in your life.
Religion has made Christianity into an intellectual topic. Jason Gray, a Christian musician, has written a song titled "More Like Falling in Love", that addresses this perfectly. The song can be found at the bottom of this article.
Although important, being a Christian is not about following rules. That's why people don't want to even discuss topics about God. They feel that all Christians talk about are a set of rules. Being a Christian is not about committing your life to religion, rules, or even God. Its about finding a God that lives, moves, and breathes in your life. The more and more you find God, the less and less you will desire the garbage that goes on in this world.
Being religious won't save your life. Pursuing a relationship with the creator of the universe is the only thing that will! I encourage you to listen to the song below.
Give it a month trial! If you don't like it, all the Hell out there will always take you back!
Jason Gray,
Relationship with God,
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